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来源:广州市倢晨电子技术服务有限公司    浏览量:162    发布时间: 2023-3-1 00:08:42

The PVOC certification system is a system implemented by the Kenyan government in order to ensure that exported products meet the required quality standards. It is a comprehensive system that covers all aspects of product quality such as safety, hygiene, packaging and labeling, among others.

The system was designed to provide assurance to importers of Kenyan products that they are of high quality and safe to use. It is also intended to facilitate trade between Kenya and other countries by helping to streamline the export process.

The PVOC system is based on the principle of self-regulation, whereby the exporter is responsible for ensuring that the product meets the requirements for certification. The exporter is required to submit an application to the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) for the certification of their product. The application includes a comprehensive description of the product, including its ingredients, components, and manufacturing process. In addition, the exporter must also provide evidence that the product meets the specified standards for quality, safety, and labeling.

Once the application is approved, the exporter is issued a PVOC certificate, which is valid for two years. The exporter must then submit a yearly renewal application to the KEBS in order to maintain the validity of the certificate.

The PVOC certification system is an important part of the overall quality assurance system in Kenya. It ensures that products exported from the country meet the required quality standards and are safe to use. It also provides assurance to importers that they are buying products of high quality. This helps to foster trade between Kenya and other countries, and is an important part of the country’s economic development.


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